Stop 3 Sugiuri: Tsukahara debris avalanche deposit

A patchwork structure of the Tsukahara debris avalanche deposit
Stop 1 Matori: View of Asama
Stop 2 Kami Hocchi: Aira-Tanzawa ash and Asama pumices
Stop 3 Sugiuri: Tsukahara debris avalanche deposit
Stop 4 Hirahara: Hirahara ignimbrite
Stop 5 Asama Volcano Observatory: The 1783 pumice
Stop 6 Shiraito Waterfall: Shiraito pumice
Stop 7 Kuromame-gawara: Agatsuma ignimbrite of 1783
Stop 8 Oni-Oshidashi Lava Park: Oni-Oshidashi lava flow and a possible source of the Kambara event
Stop 9 Princeland: A Kambara block
Stop 10 Akagawa Quarry: Kambara debris avalanche deposit and Kusatsu pumice
Stop 11 Kambara Kan-non-do: Stone steps buried by the Kambara debris avalanche
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